Raymond Campbell
Raymond Campbell manages the Island of Pabbay, a 2000 acre island off the coast of Harris in the Outer Herbrides off the West Coast of Scotland. The island is now organic with 700 ewes, (Cheviots, Blackface and Suffolk cross) including 160 gimmers.

He breeds some Cheviots and Blackface pure and uses Essie Suffolks to produce store lambs and replacement Suffolk cross ewes. Essie Suffolk cross lambs are well suited to our outdoor lambing on the island with only our family as the lambing team. “There are no frills on Pabbay”. The lambs are quick on their feet and suckle well. Our Essie Suffolk cross ewes are good mothers with plenty milk and easy lambing and we are gradually increasing their percentage in the flock. By using Essie Suffolks our lambs grow faster and reach bigger store weights and so increases our profit. The better females make good replacement ewes (important in our Organic system). “We like the look of Essie rams – well bodied, tight fleeces and not too heavy on the bone.”

Raymond, and his father before him, have bought Essie Suffolk rams for more than 15 years - 2 or 3 every year.